orthopedic shoes

Everything to Know About Orthopedic Shoes

Finding Comfortable Footwear

Whether you have arch pain or discomfort from a bunion, orthopedic shoes can provide a solution. Designed with comfort and versatility in mind, these shoes support a range of foot shapes and sizes and can provide joint relief through your entire leg.

Wearing orthopedic shoes allows you to go about your day without any nagging pain, ensuring that you can remain active and spend your time engaging in your favorite pastimes.

What are Orthopedic Shoes?

Orthopedic shoes are designed to support the structure and mechanics of the foot and ankle. Both the inner and outer soles are torsionally strong, meaning that they won’t slip and move while you are walking. Most shoes also have a heel counter to ensure that they stay firmly on your feet as you move.

Typically, these shoes are wider to allow more room for the toes and heel while supporting the arches. In addition to this, orthopedic footwear comes in various shapes and sizes, meaning that people with different injuries and abnormalities can find comfortable shoes that will support their joints. Orthopedic shoes, unlike regular shoes, are designed to cohesively support the whole foot, regardless of how it is shaped and to promote mobility.

Benefits of Wearing Orthopedic Shoes

There are several benefits to investing in a pair of orthopedic shoes. Many people are averse to wearing them because they conjure images of the elderly or the clunky medically prescribed shoes of the past. But recent years have seen massive improvements in the designs of orthopedic shoes as companies have partnered with known brands to provide consumers with shoes that are both stylish and hugely beneficial to their health.

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Improved Blood Flow

Without proper circulation, your feet can begin to suffer from numbness, cramps and tingling; this can eventually lead to the foot muscles becoming weaker, thereby hindering your mobility. Wearing orthopedic shoes provides your feet with the room and support necessary to promote healthy circulation to all areas of the foot.

This is especially important for individuals with nerve damage or diabetic neuropathy because a healthy blood flow ensures that the feet do not grow numb. When people lose feeling in their feet, it becomes harder to detect injuries, allowing them to go untreated until the injury has grown severe and threatens the health of the whole foot.

Full Foot Support

Walking in shoes that do not properly support your feet can lead to alignment issues that spread the pain across your foot and up into your ankle. Over time, this can significantly decrease your mobility. Orthopedic shoes allow you to avoid these issues by actively supporting your whole foot and allowing your weight to be distributed evenly with each step.

They provide arch support in addition to cushioning your toes and heel. This makes them ideal for people who suffer from flat foot or plantar fasciitis.

Pain Relief

On average, most people take between 5,000 and 10,000 steps a day. In the wrong shoes, this can lead to severe pain that will only get worse with time. Orthopedic shoes guarantee that as you move about your day, your feet are fully supported. They are designed to prevent your foot from rubbing against the sidewalls of the shoe and to keep your heel in a comfortable, neutral position.

This means you no longer have to find a compromise between being in pain and being active. With orthopedic shoes, your feet will be supported and pain-free, no matter how many steps you take.

Correct or Aid Existing Problems

Wearing orthopedic shoes is not dissimilar to brushing your teeth twice a day. It is a crucial form of maintenance that ensures your feet remain healthy and functional for years to come. While some foot issues require surgery, wearing these shoes can help realign the bones of the foot and relieve tension from overstressed arches.

Not only does this ease pain, but it prevents the foot from experiencing further damage. The more you wear orthopedic shoes, the more effective they become, protecting and strengthening your feet with every step you take.

Improved Mobility

When you suffer from foot pain, whether it is in the form of bunions, plantar fasciitis or hammer toes, it can seriously affect your ability to get out and enjoy your favorite activities. The comfort and support provided by orthopedic footwear allow you to regain control over your mobility and to move through the world without experiencing discomfort.

Final Thoughts

Regardless of age or weight, orthopedic shoes can provide countless benefits to anyone as they protect the mechanics of your feet and provide endless comfort. The best way to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle is to throw away uncomfortable shoes and exchange them for orthopedic footwear that is designed to support your whole foot while being versatile and stylish.

If you're suffering from bunions, there are shoes for that as well!