learn to code

How can I Learn to Code?

Become a Coding Expert in No Time

Coding can be described as a language made up of ones and zeros instead of letters and vowels. Just as there are many types of languages and dialects, there are many different coding languages. Each performs certain tasks or works on certain platforms.

As humanity is moving into a more informational era where computers and technology are becoming more prevalent in our everyday lives, it is good to understand basic coding languages and how to use them.

In the article below, we will discuss some of the basic coding languages and how to learn to code.

Choosing the Right Code

To begin with, you will need to learn a code that you can easily use and that benefits your daily life. Binary is not a very efficient code and isn’t used much in today's technological world. You should also avoid learning assembly if you are using Javascript-based software.

Javascript should be your first choice of coding to learn, as many programs run on the script. Even the famous computer game Minecraft has recently added modding support via Javascript (although it was originally written in Java).

Python is also a good choice for a beginner. It is a high-level, general-purpose coding language. It is often used for back-end web development, data science, and machine learning. As the world is moving into more machine-learning capabilities, Python makes an excellent first choice.

Where Can You Learn to Code?

One of the best free places to learn to code is actually through YouTube. You can learn the basics of any coding language, get help on problems you are stuck on, and meet other coding learners. Many professional coders share their knowledge through the platform; the best thing about YouTube is that it is free. Below are some online lessons where you can learn coding.

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Harvard University offers free courses on coding languages. Once you sign up for the course and pass, you pay for the certificate to show that you completed the course. The certificate may not be a diploma or degree, but it is good to have on your CV.

The courses are around six to nine weeks long and are all self-learning. The university offers introductory computer science courses, as well as courses to teach students to work with artificial intelligence using the Python platform.

Or you could study coding full-time at the University where you can earn a formal degree in coding.


Coursera is a highly recommended academic coding course. Professors developed the site at Stanford University. The platform offers a full range of comprehensive courses where you can get certificates, a degree, or even specialize in a specific field of coding. Many of the courses provided by Coursera are actually free, though you will pay for the final certificate.

The platform offers around 300 online courses ranging from c++ to python. They also offer beginner courses in most coding languages.

The course material is considered university grade and will help you learn the nuances of coding languages.


Often considered to have one of the most extensive ranges of coding courses around, the site offers over 1,000 courses in Python alone. As of writing this article, there are around 183,000 coding courses, making it harder to choose a course. If you are patient and don’t mind sifting through the countless courses, you can find the exact one that will suit your needs perfectly.

The courses range from being free to costing hundreds of dollars. The more expensive the course, the more comprehensive.

Udemy offers '2022 Complete Python Bootcamp From Zero to Hero;' the course costs $84.99 but covers many points about the Python platform. This Bootcamp is perfect for anyone wanting to learn more about professional or personal game development.

Shaw Academy

At $49.99 a month, Shaw Academy teaches web design, web development, mobile app development, and coding for children. Some of the courses offered are considered on par with university standards.

Many courses are oriented toward people who are just beginning to code, with many courses explaining the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The platform offers a generous four-week free trial period, so people can see if they are interested in coding without spending lots of money.

The Shaw Academy has had more than a million users passing their courses, with the graduates certified by Austin Peay University.

Learning how to code has never been easier or more accessible!